Terms of Use for Mitgo Services

This section contains documents that regulate the interaction between you and Mitgo Services (the Services).  When these documents refer to Mitgo, it means Mitgo Services GmbH and its affiliated entities.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Mitgo offers Internet users (hereinafter, the “User”, “Users”, etc.) the opportunity to use its services according to the terms and conditions of this User Agreement (hereinafter, the “Agreement”, “User Agreement”). This Agreement shall take effect upon the User’s express agreement with its terms and conditions according to Clause 1.4. hereof.

1.2. Mitgo offers Users access to a wide range of services. All currently available services, as well as their development and/or addition of new services, shall be the subject of this Agreement.

1.3. The use of Mitgo Services shall be regulated by this Agreement, Privacy Policy (https://policies.mitgo.com/en/privacy-policy/admitad-privacy-policy-intro/ ), and Terms and Conditions of using certain Services (https://www.admitad.com/terms-for-publishers/, https://www.admitad.com/terms-for-publishers-uae/ ,  https://www.admitad.com/terms-for-advertisers, https://www.admitad.com/terms-for-advertisers-us-entities, https://www.admitad.com/terms-for-advertisers-uae-entities, https://www.admitad.com/terms-for-advertisers-india-entities, https://www.admitad.com/terms-for-advertisers-poland-entities, https://www.admitad.com/terms-for-advertisers-coupon-campaigns-global-entities, https://www.admitad.com/terms-for-advertisers-coupon-campaigns-u-s-entities, https://www.admitad.com/terms-for-advertisers-coupon-campaigns-poland-entities, https://www.admitad.com/terms-for-advertisers-coupon-campaigns-india-entities, https://www.admitad.com/terms-for-advertisers-coupon-campaigns-mexico-entities, https://takeads.com/terms-for-publishers-uae/, https://convertsocial.net/terms-of-use/, https://takefluence.com/terms-for-content-creators/ ) and other applicable terms as the case may be. This Agreement may be amended by Mitgo without notice, and a new revision of this Agreement shall take effect when posted online at the web address given in this paragraph unless otherwise stated in the new revision of this Agreement. The current revision of this User Agreement is always available at https://policies.mitgo.com/.

1.4. By starting the use of any Services or going through the registration procedure, the User shall be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of this Agreement in full without any limitations or exceptions. If the User does not agree to any provisions of this Agreement, the User must not use Mitgo Services. If Mitgo makes any amendments to this Agreement as prescribed by clause 1.3. hereof to which the User does not agree, the User shall cease to use any Mitgo Services.

2. Registration. Mitgo ID

2.1. To use certain Mitgo Services or certain specific functions of services, the User shall complete registration to create a unique account (Mitgo ID). A User must reach the minimum age of 18 years in order to exercise the right to register an account and use Mitgo Services independently within the legal capacity established by applicable law. Certain Mitgo Services may impose other age restrictions, which may additionally be indicated in legal documents or in the interface/description of the site, application, and/or other software product.

2.2. Upon registration, the User shall provide valid and complete information requested in the registration form and shall regularly update such information. If the User provides invalid information or Mitgo has reasons to believe that any information provided by the User is incomplete or invalid, Mitgo may, at its discretion, block or delete the Mitgo ID account in Mitgo ID, or deny the User the use of any services or certain functions.

2.3. Mitgo reserves the right to require at any time that the Users confirm the details they have specified in the Mitgo ID and the details containing information about the User, as well as other information related to using Mitgo Services that the User can access by logging in with the User’s Mitgo ID in Mitgo Services and those of its affiliates. Mitgo shall reserve the right to require at any time that the User verify the information provided upon registration and to request supporting documents (personal identification documents in particular). Failure to provide these documents may, at Mitgo’s discretion, be regarded as the provision of invalid information and entail consequences according to clause 2.2. hereof. If the User’s information specified in the documents does not conform with the information provided upon registration or if the information provided upon registration does not make it possible to identify the User, Mitgo shall reserve the right to deny the User’s access to the Mitgo ID account and use of Mitgo Services.

2.4. Any personal information of the User contained in the Mitgo ID shall be stored and processed by Mitgoaccording to the Privacy Policy (https://policies.mitgo.com/en/privacy-policy/admitad-privacy-policy-intro/).

2.5. When registering, the User chooses the email address which will be used as the username to access the Mitgo ID. Mitgo has the right to identify the requirements for the username and password (length, admissible characters, etc.).

2.6. After registration of the Mitgo ID in accordance with the procedure prescribed by paragraph 2.5. of the Agreement, the User has the possibility to start using additional means of authentication to access the Mitgo ID. User can add a phone number in the Mitgo ID account to confirm that User is the account owner. In addition, User can set a two-factor authentication in the User’s Personal Account management interface. User can read more information about Mitgo ID here https://support.mitgo.com/.

2.7. The User shall be responsible for the security of the selected means of access to their Mitgo ID account and for the confidentiality of such means. The User shall be responsible for any actions and their consequences in and with Mitgo Services through the Mitgo ID account, including the voluntary transfer by the User of information required to access the Mitgo ID account to third parties on any conditions, including by contracts or agreements.

2.8. The User shall promptly inform Mitgo of any instances of unauthorized access (i.e., access not allowed by the User) to Mitgo Services through the Mitgo ID account and/or any breach, alleged breach, or suspected breach of confidentiality of the chosen means of access to the User’s account.

2.9. The User may not reproduce, duplicate or copy, sell, resell, or use for any commercial purposes any parts of Mitgo Services, including content available to the User through Services, or access to Mitgo Services, except when authorized by Mitgo or when directly stated in the user agreement for any Service.

2.10. Account termination. Mitgo may block or delete the Mitgo ID account, as well as prohibit access through any account to certain Mitgo Services and delete any content without giving reasons, including if the User violates the terms and conditions of this Agreement and/or the terms and conditions of any documents listed in clause 1.3. hereof.

2.11. Mitgo ID account deletion. If the User deletes his/her Mitgo ID account, the User will no longer be able to use Mitgo Services. If such an option is available, the User may delete his/her account for individual Services.

3. No Guarantees, Limitation of Liability

3.1. Users shall use Mitgo Services at their own risk. Services are provided as is. Mitgo shall not be liable for any losses resulting from the User’s use of Mitgo Services or separate parts/functions of Services and does not guarantee that Services meet the User’s goals.

3.2. Mitgo does not guarantee that the Services comply/will comply with the User’s requirements; that services will be provided without interruptions, promptly, sustainably, and/or without errors; that results received by using the Services are accurate and reliable and may be used for any purposes or in any capacity (for instance, for identification and/or verification of any facts); that the quality of any product, service, information, etc., received through the Services will meet the User’s expectations.

3.3. Any information and/or materials (including downloadable software, messages, any instructions and guidelines, etc.) that the User accesses through Mitgo Services may be used by the User at his/her own risk, and the User shall be responsible for any potential consequences of the use of such information and/or materials, including any damage to the User’s computer or third parties, loss of information, or any other damage.

4. Other Provisions

4.1. This Agreement is an agreement between the User and Mitgo regarding the procedure for using Services and shall replace all previous agreements between the User and Mitgo.

4.2. This Agreement shall be regulated and interpreted according to the laws of Germany. Any issues not regulated hereby shall be settled according to German law. Any disputes arising out of relations regulated by this Agreement shall be settled as prescribed by applicable German laws according to German legal standards.

4.3. In the event that a dispute arises and cannot be settled by the Parties in an amicable way, the District Court of Stuttgart (Landgericht Stuttgart) shall be competent for resolving such dispute.

4.4. Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted as an agency, partnership, mutual activities, employment, or any other relations not directly stated in this Agreement.

4.5. If, for any reason, one or several provisions of this Agreement are declared invalid or unenforceable, the provision or provisions shall be severable, and the declaration shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions hereof.

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